Thursday, May 20, 2010

CT DEP Grant Award for RecPath

I'm pleased to announce that the City of Shelton has been awarded a Recreational Trails Program Grant for Fiscal Year 2010, in the amount of $73,150.00

Thank-you to all who worked so dilligently on the grant application.

Here is a link to the Ct DEP webpage outlining all the grants awarded over the years. A link regarding the projects funded this June is halfway down the page.

From the Grant description:

To construct Phase 3, Section c (about 2500 linear feet) of the Shelton Lakes Recreation Path ("Rec Path"), and to purchase maintenance equipment. This section of the Rec Path will provide linkage to a recently completed Huntington Street walkway and to shops, the Community Center, Post Office, and events on the Huntington Center Green. The RecPath is a 4.5-mile multi-use, handicapped-accessible path connecting downtown Shelton and Huntington Center, This is a major capital project for the City of Shelton, and is incorporated in local, regional, and state planning documents. The completed section of Rec Path is 8 to 10 feet wide and about 1000 feet long with a crushed stone surface.

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