Saturday, September 16, 2006

Open Space Ordinance - finally passed

At the Regular Board of Alderman meeting on September 14th, the BOA failed to "repass" or over-ride the Mayor's veto of the Open Space Ordinance. After some discussion, much of it eye opening as to the lack of understanding on the issue despite two public hearings and a period of preparation for review from Mar2006 till now on the ordinance. In the end, the Mayor's proposal was passed which noted in particular that the 06/07 fiscal year will have $50,000 appropriated into the Open Space Trust Account, and that begining with the 07/08 fiscal year, the annual allocation from the annual budget into the OSTA will be $250,000.

As I said in past blog entries, I disagree with the nuance of ordinance affecting previously approved budgets, but it's time to move on as while the path to get there is different, the end result is the same as what I sought.

I will not linger any longer on past achievements and rest on those laurels. The annual amount of $250,000 will appear in the annual budget, be appropriated into the OSTA within 45 days of the start of the fiscal year, and can only be used for expenses related to Open Space acquisition as defined in the ordinance. Money from sales of property and deposited into the account are above and beyond the ordinance. Money from bonding deposited into the account is not counted. There is no longer ambiguity as to meeting the "intent" of the law. Expenses uses are defined and not ambiguous. It is time to move forward.

The Conservation Commission has numerous targeted parcels which will no doubt cost in excess of the amount that will accumulate in this restricted account, despite the additions of fines, and fees in lieu of open space land dedications at subdivision applications. The property values in Shelton will result in a need to borrow and pay for them over time as all large capital expenditures should be handled. There can be help toward that from the OSTA, but it likely will not be able to do that on it's own, just like it hasn't in the past. The OSTA is just one tool in an arsenal to prepare for acquiring open space for the benefit of Shelton.

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