Although Open Space preservation is quite an obvious activity and gets much press attention due to it's initial costs, grant applications, and voter referendums; less obvious is our Commission's promotion of agricultural activity.
The Shelton Open Space Plan was revised in 2009. One of it's top goals is "Preserve Agricultural Resources". Within that goal (p.50) it is noted that "Although farmers themselves must initiate most
of these activities, City officials can be alert to the needs of entrepreneurs
and facilitate planning where appropriate" and the first one on the list of activities is "Continue the Farmer's Market".
The Plan is a document that we consistently refer to. For example, one item calls us to "Pursue the possibility of Community Gardens". A community garden was started in 2010 on the Klapik Open Space property in the Long Hill section of town. Despite neighborhood concerns, it proved a success and for the 2011 growing season a 2nd location was tilled on City property at 279 Soundview Avenue near the Wiacek Open Space property.
Our website has a "Farmland in Shelton" webpage that contains hyperlinks to several farms. The Shelton Trails & Conservation facebook page has several "likes" of local farms that have facebook pages. The Shelton Economic Development Corporation website has a Shelton Farms webpage noting some of our local farms and what they offer.
At our WedSep7 monthly meeting, there was a request to consider expanding the Farmers Market potential. The Commission will examine aspects of how that might be accomplished for the benefit of all. The City of Shelton has a lease with the Farmers Market Association for them to conduct a Farmers Market at the City facility on Canal Street (Farm and Public Market).
It is my understanding that on TueOct4, the Farmers Market Association will hold a meeting to discuss aspects brought up during the public portion of our September Conservation Commission meeting.